Life Blog
Guidance for Monogamous Couples, Polyamorous Partners, Individuals, and the Self-Partnered. A Guide to life, loss, love, trauma, and everything in between.
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10 Different Types of Therapy & Their Uses Cheat Sheet
With so many different types of therapy in the world, it’s refreshing to have a list all in one place.
I’m Poly Now! What do I do next?
Congrats! You’ve embraced being poly – now what? What should you do first? How do you learn? How do you meet people? When are you ready?
Emotions: What They Mean and How to Communicate Them
Emotions and feelings are the brain’s way of getting our attention when we need to pay attention to our surroundings for safety, when there is a need not being met, an activating event related to a fear (and it wants us to acknowledge it so we can work through it), or to tell us when we need to rest because the “battery” is low.
The Power of “No”: Breaking Free from People-Pleasing
Learning to say, “No” properly; it does NOT make you selfish.